Road Work Safety

Here are a few reminders for working in a lane closure and on a live traffic job site.

  1. Amber Lights – Make sure your amber lights on your truck are working and clean before you leave the shop. This will greatly improve your visibility to others while on the job.

  2. PPE – The required PPE for daytime roadside work is a Type 2 vest with reflective strips. If you will be doing night work, you will need leg gaiters along with your Type 2 vest.

  3. Traffic Control – Once you arrive on site, make sure your traffic control is in place and correctly installed. Make sure you never get outside of that traffic control protection zone. Make sure that no tools or equipment protrude outside of the traffic control protection zone. For example: concrete bow floats that may extend outside of the protected zone into oncoming traffic.

  4. Barrier – Use your truck or large equipment as a barrier between you and oncoming traffic even if you are in a closed lane when possible.

  5. Team Meeting – Before work starts, have a quick meeting with your team to discuss how the flow of any delivery trucks will enter and exit your site and what any potential hazards will be and how to mitigate them.

  6. Spotter – When working, never turn your back to traffic. If you need to turn your back to traffic, have a spotter watch traffic for you.

  7. Entering/Exiting – Make sure you use caution when entering or exiting live traffic.

Never get comfortable or complacent in a work zone. Always be on high alert, especially in live traffic zones, your life depends on it.