Utility/Locate Protocol
Any ground penetration activities will require a locate ticket to be filed. This will include the following activities:
Silt fence installation.
Planting for landscaping
T-Post and Steel Pin Installation
If locates are being requested for an AG Prime project, it will be filed using Dig@ag-iowa.com P.W.-DigAG123, otherwise if the locates are not for an AG Prime project you will use your regular means of filing.
Before any work can proceed, the Project Manager will verify that all utilities have been Marked or Cleared on the dig ticket.
When the site is being potholed for utilities, the operator of that machine will take pictures to document the located markings, send pictures for each site potholed to the Project Manager of that project, and upload it to their daily log form. If the site is not being potholed, the foreman performing the initial scope of work, will be responsible for documenting the locate markings with photos to be sent in with their daily log form. Once this documentation has been collected, work may begin.
If we strike/hit an underground utility all work will STOP, and the following Protocol will be executed:
If a natural gas line or electrical line resulting in a fire or serious injury “911” will be called first and no work can take place until the hazard is clear. Then follow the standard strike/hit protocol.
Immediately contact your division supervisor and inform them of the strike/hit.
File hit ticket, using 811 services.
Document the strike/hit using a “Hit Kit”.
File a detailed incident report using AGNES or Team Sense where “Hit Kit” photos can be uploaded.
If no hazards exist and documentation is completed, work may commence.
Leave strike/hit area exposed for repair purposes.