Working Around Equipment

On construction jobsites, heavy construction equipment can be extremely dangerous to employees working in areas where equipment is used. Many of the hazards associated with equipment operations are obvious, but others are created by workers who don’t pay attention and place themselves in harm’s way.

The best way to avoid the dangers related to bulldozers, backhoes, scrapers, cranes, trucks, and other equipment is to stay alert, make your presence known to the operator, and stay out of the way. If you do not have to work near the equipment, don’t!

  • Always make sure the equipment operator sees you. Workers should be especially careful when the vehicle is backing up. When you hear the horn or back-up alarm (beeping sound), look around and make sure you are not in the equipment’s path.

  • Do not ride on running boards, on top of loads, in the bucket of a front end loader, or on any other part of equipment not designed to carry passengers.

  • Never walk alongside moving equipment. Stay clear of the equipment in case it slides, or turns, or in case the load shifts.

  • Stay out from under loads lifted by cranes, bucket loaders, backhoes, excavators, and other equipment because the loads could shift or break loose. Also, stay out from under the equipment boom, stick, and attachments.

  • Pay attention to the location of the load and equipment. When working around equipment, stay outside the swing radius.

  • Don’t give signals to the equipment operator, unless you are the spotter or signal person.

  • Don’t smoke when equipment refueling is in progress.

  • Never refuel equipment when the motor is running or there is a possibility fuel could spill on a hot engine or muffler.

Different types of equipment present different types of hazards, therefore you must take the time to learn the different hazards associated with each piece of equipment. If you do not know the hazards for a specific type of equipment, ask your foreman or the equipment operator to explain them to you.