$150 Benefit for you!
Do you have the TransAmerica Accident Plan?
Filing a wellness claim is easy and will earn you $150! Wellness claims can be filed for yourself or a covered spouse. If you or your covered spouse have had any of the following services performed in 2018 and/or 2019 claim your $150 today! Routine/wellness services are covered under your health plan at 100%, no cost to you as the member. That means you can make $150 annually for getting your routine check ups.
Blood test for triglycerides
Bone Marrow testing
Breast Ultrasound
CA 125
CA 15-3
Chest Xray
Fasting blood glucose test
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Hemocult stool analysis
Pap test
Serum Cholesterol test (HDL/LDL)
Serum protein electrophoresis
Stress test
How to file your claim via phone:
Call 1-800-251-7254 and press 2. Have the following information ready so you can file your wellness claim.
Insured's name/policy number
covered person's name, date of birth, and relationship to the insured
Doctor and facility name, address and phone number
Name of the test/procedure
Date of test/procedure
How to file your claim online:
Register at www.tebcs.com then complete the online form and upload documentation to support your requests. Once the claim is submitted and processed you will receive an explanation of benefits and your wellness credit money.