W-4 Instructions

The 2020 W-4 is very different from previous versions due to 2018 changes in federal tax law.

Although you do not have to submit a new W-4 if you have no change in status (e.g., you were not recently married, divorced, etc.), the IRS recommends doing a checkup to see if you need adjustments in withholding to avoid having too much or too little federal income tax withheld.

To conduct this personal checkup, use the IRS’s Withholding Estimator, a handy online calculator. To make the best use of the Estimator, have handy:

  • a copy of your most recent pay stub; and

  • a copy of your most recent tax return.

Important: The estimator is likely to be updated in early January to account for 2020 tax tables.

What to do—or not do. If you do not submit a new W-4, withholding will continue based on your most recent W-4.

If you want to submit a new W-4, make sure to read the instructions on the form.

Requirements: You must complete Step 1 (personal data) and 5 (your signature).

Optional: Steps 2 (households with multiple earners), 3 (tax credits for dependents) and 4 (adjustments to income, such as dividends, interest and itemized deductions) are optional.

Check out this quick breakdown and explanation of the form.


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