Waste on the Job Site

We all work hard to make Absolute Group successful.

The profits we make directly impact your ESOP.

Waste on the jobsite erodes profitability.

Waste includes items lost, left behind, and not properly taken care of.

Examples of waste on the jobsite.

12” Meas. Wheel = $84.61

2” Ratchet Strap = $16.39

4# Sledgehammer = $19.15

25’ Engineer Tape = $19.15

250’ Stringline = $6.56

25’ Extension Cord = $38.50

Chain Binder = $26.99

20’ Chain = $55.99

Total spent on replacement of these items in one season?


These are just a few examples of areas where we spend money that would otherwise go directly to your ESOP. There are many more that aren’t shown here.

If you saw a $20 bill laying on the ground, would you pick it up? Every item left behind or treated carelessly has value. When you take care of your tools, equipment, and each other, you help to make Absolute Group and your ESOP as profitable as possible.